Sunday, April 16, 2006


The Rick Mercer Report

Now - one the things I regret about my lack of skill in watching TV (and by lack of skill I don't mean I never watch it - because I seem to have picked that part up ok - but I mean my complete inability to remember the day/time of programming. So far the ony thing I seem to have figured out is that CSI (Las Vegas - the rest suck) is on Spike T.V. at 5 and 6 central time Monday - Friday), is that I never know when things are one.

I knew that I thought Rick Mercer was funny, but this week I actually managed to catch most of an episode. I think he should be on every night! The guy is hilarious. Anyways - for any of you who want a good chuckle - click here and go watch April 11th, 2006 back issue videos. I find noteworthy his rant on the potential of Danny Williams (premier of NFLD) to take the Liberal leadership race and run the country (click on Rick's Rant for April 11), and the video clip "The Steven Harper Way."

Happy Web Watching!

Saturday, April 15, 2006


I am Root Beer

I noticed that a classmate was a Dr. Pepper this evening on her new blog. So I thought I'd check it out!

You Are Root Beer

Ultra sweet and innocent, you have a subtle complexity behind your sugary front.
Children love you, but so do high end snobs... when you're brewed right.

Your best soda compatibility match: Dr. Pepper

Stay away from: Diet Coke
What Kind of Soda Are You?

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Relay For Life

I was asked yesterday to join the Canadian Cancer Society's Relay for Life.

It's for an excellent cause, and I'll be walking/running with some great women.

My personal goal is to try and raise $5,000. If you want to pledge me, please click here. Donations in any amount are gratefully appreciated. You can make your secure donation online with a credit card, or arrange to send me a cheque made out to the Canadian Cancer Society. If you make an online payment, you receive your official receipt for tax purposes via email within 48 hours.

The Cancer Society is encouraging us to ask for online pledges, since it reduces administration costs (just think of the postage alone!), and more money goes directly to research.

Our team is called the Mad Hatters - look on this site in June for pictures of me and a bunch'o'prairie girls in pink cowboy hats!

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